Daily Living Programs

What are Instrumental Activities of Daily Living?

IADLs are the next level self care or ADLs. ADLs are the basic feeding, toileting, dressing and bathing but IADLs involve next level self management skills such as time management, integrated choice and decision making skills to meet a stated or desired need, money management etc..

IADLs include:

  • Managing a daily routine

  • Medication management

  • Menstural management

  • Shopping

  • Cleaning

  • Cooking

  • Transportation

  • And many more.

Our Daily Living Programs seek to target the skills required in self management such as integrated reasoning, planning, time and money management.

Daily Living Skills Program Flyer

Cooking Focused Groups

We carefully arrange groups to include similar participants to enable cooking focused classes to focus upon the skills needed for instrumental activities of daily living. Our Cooking Groups are planned to target:

  1. Planning to meet dietary needs

  2. Money management- planning meals to meet budgets and reasonable costs

  3. Community Access - to buy needed equipment and ingredients

  4. Choice and decision making- selecting recipes and meals to make to suit reasonable need.

  5. Cooking and the multiple sub skills of procedural thinking

  6. Comparative thinking and analyzing outcomes of performance

  7. Cleaning and the multiple sub skills involved such as reasoning and procedural thinking

  8. Social reasoning and making choices and decisions to suit a group need rather than individual need.

  9. Self Advocacy and the ability to explain a point of view, feelings and thoughts.

  10. Laundry and using our in house laundry to wash and dry used equipment.